3 Elliptical Workouts You Should Be Doing for Weight Loss

The elliptical may be the most efficient piece of equipment in the gym that you are not using. If you are ahead of the curve and, happen to use this most underrated piece of equipment, you may not be using it to its full potential.

Since most elliptical machines offer an upper body option, you can always get a full-body workout. What other piece of equipment in the gym has that capability? None of them.

To make the most of your time and to reap maximum calorie burn, you should always follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Have a plan
  2. Change up your workout at least every 4-6 weeks
  3. Use the upper body option to burn the most calories

To help you with step one, we have put together the following three, calorie torching plans, based on how much time you have.



30 Minute High Intensity Short Intervals Elliptical Workout Information

Settings: You may be in luck and are able to simply select an interval workout from the machine’s menu. If not, chose the manual mode and set the resistance for a warm-up and the incline to low or moderate, where it will stay for the duration.

Warm-up: 5 minutes at a manageable pace

Main Set: 3 minute intervals at 8-9 out of 10 on a perceived level of exertion (where you will need to up the resistance), followed by 2 minutes easy or pedaling backward. Repeat until you reach the 28 minute mark.

Cool down: Use last two minutes to slow your speed and reduce the resistance. Stretch.



45 Minute High Intensity Short Intervals Elliptical Workout Information

Settings: You may be in luck and are able to simply select a hill workout from the machine’s menu. If not, chose the manual mode and set the resistance for a warm-up and the incline to low or moderate.

Warm-up: 5 minutes at an easy pace

Main Set: Perform each of the following for 5 full minutes, followed by 3 minutes of easy or backward pedaling. Your perceived level of exertion should be 8-9 out of 10.

Medium resistance, low ramp, high RPM
High resistance, medium ramp, low RPM
Medium resistance, high ramp, high RPM
High resistance, low ramp, medium RPM

Last 3 minutes with medium resistance, medium ramp and high RMP

Cool down: Use remaining time to ease back resistance and pace, stretch afterward.



One Hour Ladder Workout Information


Settings: Chose the manual mode and set the resistance for a warm-up and the incline to low or moderate.

Warm-up: Longer workouts at high effort require a longer warm-up time. Do at least 10 minutes and up to 15 for this workout.

Main Set: Do each “hard” section with high resistance, medium ramp and high RPM:

5 minutes hard, 2:30 easy or backward pedaling
4 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy or backward
3 minutes hard, 1:30 easy or backward
2 minutes hard, 1 minute easy or backward
1 minute hard, 30 seconds easy or backward

3 minutes easy then repeat

Cool down: Use remaining time to slow pace and ease resistance, stretch afterward.

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